Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Fat Kid

When I was young, I was often referred to as this, much to my dismay. So, now I am an adult and I am still "fat". I have a medical condition for this and, well, I love to eat! Who doesn't? I love to cook and all that. While I am preparing dinner for my hubby and I, I listen to the radio. The station in town that I like is 96.5 The Mountain. I love their music and most of their DJs.

The other day, they introduced someone new. He goes by the name "fat kid". Now, I do not know if this particular gentleman is thin or not (as said name suggests) but I just can't get past this "handle"! I don't know if I don't like his program or if it is really just that damn name!
I try every evening to listen...Oz is on before Fat Kid...I really, really like Oz's program.
But I just can't get around that blasted name.

Society labels us enough. Do we really need someone to label themselves as Fat Kid on a radio station???

Now I know that I am a bitch...That's just me sometimes...But this is RMW... not
Listen To The Bitch!!!

I don't know, maybe I'm just being silly. It DOES bother me though. However, I will be unable to listen to another station...The Mountain Rocks!!!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Summer Fun

Remember those hot summer days of playing in the yard sprinkler? It has been hot enough to do just that down here for the last few weeks. Taking these photos almost sent me running through with my camera in hand. It was sooooo hot & humid that day.
Those were the days...
Does anyone have any fond childhood memories of summer?

:0) Well, off to a new work week. Hang in there, maybe some are lucky enough to have a long weekend coming up.
I know I am one of the few. Don't work to hard!!!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Ex-Jews For Jesus

Ex-Jews For Jesus



Yes, these are generally called "Christians" for those of you who are slow...

Apparently the ppl who made this sign did not get the memo either...

Friday, June 23, 2006

Slumping Story

I figured what the hell, it's Friday! I'll post this. Some Real people might find it entertaining.

On most issues, I am Red. To the dismay of some of my family members.

I have recently decided that the present El Presidentay is getting on my damn nerves.

If you are not smart enough to say coherent things, at least hire someone who can write the speeches for you who didn't just graduate from kindergarten!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Rant Free

Tonight, I have decided to be sans Rant! I know, I know...For as much B & M that is regularly is odd. I had a pretty fantastic day. The new person I am training at the rock quarry is actually picking up on things quite well. Today was her 2nd day. She knows more than the under-educated (yet experienced....Sure, if u say so) buffoon who I have had the pleasure of working w/ over the last month!

So, came home,cooked,inserted DVD, (that I assumed would be lame because of certain reviews) settled in, and proceeded to be blown away!

AeonFlux was MOST excellent!!! I loved watching it on Liquid Television! Now it has been brought to life! I usually would not use my blog to shamelessly promote movies...I would leave that to the REAL movie critics, but I could not refrain...I loved it!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Sick & Tired

Apparently, I am sick. Unlike some...I am weak. I love to bitch & moan about being sick. Yes, yes I know it's going around but, I have been dealing with this thing for over a month. It is not giving up easily and has led my M.D. to believe that I have "allergies". So, feeling very fatigued, I strolled through massive amounts of cold,flu,sinus, & allergy information
to entertain the bloggers of the world. Here goes:

1. Colds are caused by hundreds of common viruses that are easily passed from human to human. Thus, you must actually ingest someone else's "snot", if you will, to become infected.
It can be inhaled from a sneeze or passed to your nose after you touch the stair railing and then taking a quiet moment to root around in the nasal cavity for any offenders. Don't try to play it off, we all do it.

2. Influenza is also caused by inhalation of respiratory fluids. Best defense...(they say)....get a flu shot. If you are allergic to eggs, you are SOL. No flu shot for you. The vaccine is actually "grown" in chicken eggs. Yum!

3. An allergy is a heightened sensitivity to a foreign substance, (I have lived in this part of the country most of my life and I eat locally harvested honey...I would think that we would have moved past the "foreign" part a long time ago.) ,which causes the body's defense system to overreact when defending itself. Normally, the immune system would only react if a harmful substance, such as a bacteria, attacks the body. For people with allergies, their own immune system is working too hard, and it reacts even when relatively harmless substances such as pollen are present. The severity of an allergic reaction can vary from mild discomfort to life threatening situations.

4. Sinisitis: put #1,2 or 3 to good use and BAM...sinisitis!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Why Won't You Lettuce Be

So, tonight I think I will tell you a story of my adventures in shopping. I know, I know you can't wait. But, I said I would use this blog to state things that I must, so that my head will not blow up!!!

Picture it, shopping for salad stuff, soda, bread, and steaks to grill. I carefully make my selections being sure not to mingle the unmingleable (is that a word?). Lovely salad greens far,far away from RAW meat.

I arrive at the checkout, no one ahead of me, two girls, one ringing and one bagging, great!
I figure I will be outta' there in no time.

2nd girl begins to bag.....Lettuce, shredded cheese, and then tops it off with two packs of raw steaks!

Now, I understand some would not be bothered by this....Oh say, the hubby. As long as cow doesn't moo, he will eat it! But, I, myself,was not in the mood for an ecoli casserole!
I work in a lab, they instill fear of contamination into tech's. I guess it just carries over into the home life as well.

My suggestion: all "baggers" should have to graduate some sort of licensing procedure to pack away my greens and my steaks. But of course, this is far fetched since some people should be required to get certified in parenting....That's never gonna' happen....

So dear grocery baggers of the world....Unite to stop the crazy madness! Say no to the Ecoli Casserole!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Bearly There?

Disclaimer: do not read this if you are easily offened by other's opinions that do not agree with your own.

First, please read this article printed in the Washington Post.

Let's see.....he's hungry, cranky, big, and he probably smells funny.

So, I pose this question to you: Would you go through his backyard expecting nothing to happen to you? I sure as hell wouldn't. Some ppl would. Some of these ppl will unfortunatly be injured or killed in the process. I feel sorry for any family that has lost a loved one in a "bear attack",
but's the woods, a bear...and guess what, he was there first!
Ppl should use better judement before choosing a vacation site.

Now, the wrong animal has been destroyed for fear that it was the "attack bear!!!"
Listen up campers around the world...Bears are WILD animals!
They can hurt, mangle and kill you!
So, please be kind to the animals and stay out of their backyard and if they come into yours...let them be. Remeber they once did live on the land that your local "Devil's 5 & Dime" is now sprawling over.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Home Sweet Home

What about illegal immigrants?
My own personal opinion is as follows:
I think that if any person is here illegally....
........ from any country......
........SEND 'EM BACK!!!!
If you wish to live,work or breed it legally!
Oh and, Uh speaky the English....!!!!!
My family came in at Ellis Island, LEGALLY!
So...that's all I got to say about that.....

Monday, June 12, 2006

Medicated for your protection

Today was such a Monday...Grrrrrrr.... See, it wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't been "talked to" by the higher ups Friday...So I processed what they had to say...& I was almost over it...then she gets a little smarty, smarty with me today...Ok a little background, the other day she told me I was not being compassionate enough with a client...WTF! When it comes to my job and the ppl I deal with, I am SUPER compassionate. So FF to next morning. Coworker's dog dies unexpectedly...CW has had dog 9 yrs...CW very upset...I console her....boss lady P.O 'cause I am not all nose-to-the-damn-grindstone for like 2 seconds....GRRRRRRRRRRR (Very hard grind of my teeth)! So if anyone needs to learn to be compassionate in our little facility...Its boss lady! COLD FISH!

So I guess that I need a higher dose of happy pills or
as a friend informs me....a whole new happy pill...LOL...

BTW,I also thought that the latest visit w/
family was uneventful, I mentioned this to my mother...

she smiles and says.."We are all on medicine now!"....
Oh,That explains it.....

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Stupid Girl

Recently, I discovered a very cool song. I am so glad that this risk taker decided to do it again for fans! If you search the latest blogs, you find that many ppl do NOT approve of Pink's new song ,Stupid Girl. I found the video entertaining as well.
So if you are thin(I mean SUPER thin), tanned, and one of "those girls", hung up on your looks instead of your brain....get a clue cutie!

Look, I understand that in today's society, image is everything...But why waste all your free time primping....and who has the $ for all that crap anyways???? It is fine to take care of yourself and buy nice things but $175.00 to go get your hair done?

I work with people who buy their children $100 dollar shoes....the kicker is, these children don't even walk yet! (roll of the eyes, and a heavy sigh)....My hat is off to Pink. Thank you for opening some peoples eyes. If this song offends you, you are probably the person it is aimed at!!!
I know that I don't wanna be a Stupid Girl!

Friday, June 09, 2006


Alrighty then.... I have eaten some much needed food and I feel much better than I did. My BIL came up to spend the night. It cracks me up to listen to D and R talk. They have sucha good relationship...Even though the eldest spent most of his early years agonizing the youngest. The stories they tell. I have been in this family now for 10 years...So I pretty much feel as if I am 1 of them. The one thing that the family has mentioned was that if D and I ever separated, they would get rid of him and keep me. D did not think that it was so funny though......(as I smurk).


Hello friends. I fear that I have bee somewhat lax in writting for the last few days. Things have been a little crazy. I am still not much in the mood to rant today...I am so blahhhh! So how about everyone send suggestions to me and I will rant about it. I feel so unfocused right now. TGIF!!!
That is the only thing that got me out of bed today! Until later....

Monday, June 05, 2006


Ok..Thank G-d that this day is over! I am tired of people talking about Satan and Satan's son and all that crap. Have these people ever done anything except watch TV? Maybe they actually paid attention in church this weekend? Who knows with all the crap in the world today maybe this is just a culmination of things to come....People are too absorbed in their own lives to even take their head out of the sand for more than five minutes....
Do you have any idea how many people actually said, "Iwouldn't want my child to be born today..." My oh my...I don't get it...can someone get a reality check plese!

The Corvette In My Life

So recently my husband and I purchased a 1994 Corvette. It is in great condition. We drove around town this weekend in it with the top off. Then we started looking for the long way home. Well, we found it about 8 hours later. It was a fantastic evening.
So the point of the story is this...My brother in law has car envy. Of course he refers to this as a phalic symbol of some sort...
The story is hilarious! I laughed out loud several times!
"Hey R, if it were super secret...Why talk about it?!" Gotta' love him!


So today's rant is this...Why must people speed up when you try to pass them on the interstate? Any time I try to pass a person no matter what they are driving, (whether it's a Chevette or a Corvette) they speed up.WTF. I think to my self this is not Nascar, (thank G-d), we are not drag racing...WHY MUST YOU SPEED UP??? (DISCLAIMER:This story does not usually occur in the Vette.)I catch my husband doing the same thing, if he's not focused on getting to where we're going. He could be in the fast lane (70MPH here people) doing 55-60...People are pissed, lots of fans telling us we are #1, but if they try to pass...HE SPEEDS UP! Why? I don't get it it must be psychological or something...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Last night...

Last night I did a little shopping at Lowes. I did not have that much in my basket when I arrived at the checkout. (I walk up,smiling "hello..."I say...) Her attitude sucked! I don't understand why some people are so pissed off at the world. I worked retail for 9 years...So I know how it feels to be behind the counter,register or whatever...But at any time I could have left, why stay somewhere for such small pay if you are so unhappy. This girl looked only...Oh....18-19??...But still get a hold of yourself and move on....I remember thinking sometimes that the things in my life at 13-18 I was going to die from it...Without any question...But I didn't so, even though she was rude, lazy, and snotty...I hope she finds some rest in who she is eventually.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Enjoy the simple pleasures of life....

So pretty and green.

Why are humans so dumb?

Why are humans so dumb? You put together a group of people and even the most intelligent people as a crowd instantly...Become stupid,irrational, and panicky. Has anyone had any experience with this? I think we all have...