Sunday, June 25, 2006

Summer Fun

Remember those hot summer days of playing in the yard sprinkler? It has been hot enough to do just that down here for the last few weeks. Taking these photos almost sent me running through with my camera in hand. It was sooooo hot & humid that day.
Those were the days...
Does anyone have any fond childhood memories of summer?

:0) Well, off to a new work week. Hang in there, maybe some are lucky enough to have a long weekend coming up.
I know I am one of the few. Don't work to hard!!!


Anonymous said...

Long weekends rock.
And if it is too hot for you, just go inside. You two keep it like a meatlocker in there most of the time anyway.

Nicki said...

We grew up a block from the beach, so that's where I spent 95% of my summers. I'd get dark as all get out, too. I really, really miss those days.

spin.lizzy said...

I miss walking to Baskin Robbins to get ice cream. That was back when 1. I had so much free time that I could make the 1.5 mile walk. 2. There was no threat of being hit by a car on my walk and 3. I didn't have to worry about how much weight the ice cream would put on me :-)