A tourist in Gatlinburg, TN (well known for bears...Duh) was driving down the road with his wife. A mother bear and 2 cubs come out of the woods and step onto the road...This dumb ass stops his car,OPENS HIS DOOR,to get good pictures, his dog gets out and runs at the bear, bear is pissed, protects her cubs as ANY mother would do when threatened, picked up the dog in her mouth, then the stupid mans jumps out to protect his dog. Mother bear drops the pooch and the swats at the stupid man. Lucky for him he escaped with his life. His dog escaped as well. But guess what...THEY KILLED THE BEAR!!!!!WTF!?!
Wonder what the bears would say if we shot the stupid people?

If you shot all the stupid people, I fear there'd be a sudden population drop. I don't know if the economy could withstand that.
not only that, it was a weiner dog that ran at the bear.
my co-worker and i were wondering why the people in east tennessee aren't accustomed to having bears around and as such, smart enough to know better. then it occured to me ... east tennessee ... smart ... oxymoron.
i live close enough (about two hrs away) to vacation there from time to time. When we stay at a cabin or basically anywhere there, we are aware that there are always bears present, even if you don't see them.
I heard last night that they did not yet shoot that particular bear. apparently the first news report i heard was not correct. but the hunt is on. they will probably kill her when they find her. :0(
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