Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Checkin' In

Alrighty then...I know that I took the easy way out last night using the 2 and 1/2 men, but hey, how I am I supposed to blog and watch one of my fav shows! I am not a multitasker. Sorry.

So tonight I came home and started some jewelry orders. I like to do that because it completely takes my mind off of everything. It is almost like therapy. My husbands therapy is his car. So, I gotta have something of my own. People are starting to order for the holidays so I will have to start spending less and less time blogging and more time working for Byer Jewelry. They say you work harder for yourself than anyone. I think it's true!

Well, talk at ya' later! Have a happy hump day! :0)


Nicki said...

I'm really digging that firefly charm bracelet.

Ranting said...

Freak- remeber if you find anything on my jewelry blog that you like, we combine S&H, meaning, I'll cram as much stuff in one package that will fit for the cheapest postage price possible. We are not like alot of place that makes mega $$$ on shipping. We charge what uncle sam charges.