Friday, September 01, 2006

The madness continues...

Ya' know, I truly am a sucker for a great tatoo...But DAMN! This just isn't one of those!!!! What was he thinking?
Why do people get things like this put on their body? Things like the caddy symbol and rolex...WTF?!?! Why would you "brand" yourself? I often wonder how these decisions are made...

Take Bubba and Red's convo. for instance...

B-Hey Red!
R-Yea Bubba?
B-Me and the old lady gonna go get us some ah them tatoos on our bellies after the swap meet. Ya' wanna come watch?
R-Yea, I reckon. Whatchall figure on gettin?
B-Well, I wanna Snakes On A Plane one. I think they're real cool. And Star wants to get the golden arches seeans how that's where we was married and all.

And I, my little blog friends, live among the Bubbas and Stars of the world on my sweet Sand Mountain!


Nicki said...

Screw the tattoo - I'm looking at all that HAIR on his arm! EEeeeeww!

spin.lizzy said...

I believe that dude who wrote the Snakes on a Plane blog would call giving yourself a Snakes on a Plane tatoo Snakes on a Plane.

Ranting said...

Freak-yes, all that hair is Guroooss!

Spin-I will have to agree with that! It is so snakes on a plan...ugggh!