Saturday, June 17, 2006

Why Won't You Lettuce Be

So, tonight I think I will tell you a story of my adventures in shopping. I know, I know you can't wait. But, I said I would use this blog to state things that I must, so that my head will not blow up!!!

Picture it, shopping for salad stuff, soda, bread, and steaks to grill. I carefully make my selections being sure not to mingle the unmingleable (is that a word?). Lovely salad greens far,far away from RAW meat.

I arrive at the checkout, no one ahead of me, two girls, one ringing and one bagging, great!
I figure I will be outta' there in no time.

2nd girl begins to bag.....Lettuce, shredded cheese, and then tops it off with two packs of raw steaks!

Now, I understand some would not be bothered by this....Oh say, the hubby. As long as cow doesn't moo, he will eat it! But, I, myself,was not in the mood for an ecoli casserole!
I work in a lab, they instill fear of contamination into tech's. I guess it just carries over into the home life as well.

My suggestion: all "baggers" should have to graduate some sort of licensing procedure to pack away my greens and my steaks. But of course, this is far fetched since some people should be required to get certified in parenting....That's never gonna' happen....

So dear grocery baggers of the world....Unite to stop the crazy madness! Say no to the Ecoli Casserole!


Nicki said...

I worked in a grocery store and packed the meat separately. I also started putting ALL my fresh stuff, bananas included, in plastic bags after seeing leaky pack after leaky pack of chicken come through on the belt.

Lesley said...

LOL @ Ecoli Casserole! That is funny! Well, it's funny in a hypothetical way. It would be so not funny in real life. Ugh.

I agree, the meat should be separate, and I'm with Freak on this one too -- the fresh stuff should get its own plastic bags.

So what would one serve with an Ecoli Casserole anyway? I could maybe arrange for a Staphylococcus Shortcake to go along with it. I'm just saying.

Anonymous said...

What was I going to say? I am sorry, I got distracted after the meat packing.

Oh, yeah, now I remember.

I find it much easier to just eat at restaurnats. You don't have to grocery shop or do dishes (lord knows D isn't doing the dishes), or take out the trash when done.