Sunday, July 30, 2006

Not Ready To Make Nice

This video shows how the Dixie Chicks see things as black and white. Freedom of speech has NO gray area Mr. President. That is the beauty of America, freedom Of Speech! No matter who it's about or who it pisses off. Why was it such a big deal Natilie said that she was ashamed that Bush is a fellow Texan? At that point in time, Bush's people should have been more concerned with other real issues, not the issue of an American using their guaranteed rights.

I love this new song. It applies to my life in so many ways right now. Forgive sounds good, Forget.... I'm not sure I could.

'Cause I'm not ready to make nice.

Some are disappointed...But I say rock on Chicks! Screw those who don't like you because you have an opinion and the audacity to voice it!


Czarina said...

I'm all for freedom of speech. However, it shouldn't be abused at a time when our nation could have used a litle support.

If we lost this battle against tyranny, think how "free" we'd all be then if we are only allowed to speak Arabic and Worship Sadam.

So yeah, how "not ready" would Dixie chicks be if one of their own gets kidnapped by the very thing GW Bush is trying to prevent.

Dixie Chicks is such an ass. Too bad I like their song.

Ranting said...

The freedom of speech can be used in America by whomever wants to use it. That is it's beauty. GWB used it unknowingly in front of an open mike. He was criticle of syria and iran. He wants them to stop this shit.

Whether in public or private, under distress or not...freedom of speech is just that, freedom of speech. It gives you and I the right to have this discussion in the open as women as oppossed to behind closed doors.

For instance some might be offended by you photo id. If you like the photo screw what everyone else thinks, it's yours and apart of your individuality.

This blog gives me the ability to use my freedom of speech. Whether people like what I have to say or not.

We are not in iraq to fight "tryanny". We are there to protect US intrests in oil. It may not have started out that way, but that is the way it looks now.

Again, hats off to the Chicks for saying what was on their mind.

Czarina said...

Did you hear that we're not getting any oil from Iraq? We're supplying them with oil?

so what's the point of going there if we're not even getting anything out of it except criticism all around?

The picture is actually from this European artist Giovanni Buttaci.

I think maybe a flower would be "sweeter" *wink*

Ranting said...

That is crazy madness!!! I will have to research that for my own curiosity. It is stuff like that that makes me say durrrrr. I don't get why we would do such a stupid thing, wtf?

spin.lizzy said...

it's amazing how Americans are all about their freedoms ... when it's convenient.