Monday, July 31, 2006

Assholes are every where, even hollywood...

I am tired and I do not have the energy for a full blown rant right now. Maybe later. In short, Mel Gibson is a fucking asshole.
Talk amongst yourselves, I will return later.


None said...

Yes, Mel should go to hell.

Nicki said...

I think I'm the only person not pissed off at him. Maybe because I've been drunk and spouted off about shit I didn't mean and didn't know why I said it, as it was never thought of before.

I think I told a room full of people I had an abortion, and I certainly never have. Although I can't really remember exactly WHAT I said.

Lesley said...

Maybe now finally people will know what a fucking asshole he truly is. I hope this ruins his career, because it damn well should.

I could not believe the kind of anti-semitic bullshit he put in that "passion" movie. And he got away with it!!! As a student of theology, I am appalled that he would present such incredibly biased and downright untrue assertations as fact. And I also feel as though he was insulting the intelligence of anyone who's actually smart enough to pick up a book and read about these things for himself.

I never understood what was supposed to be so attractive about him anyway. Ugh.