Wednesday, August 09, 2006

es·trange (-strnj)
tr.v. es·tranged, es·trang·ing, es·trang·es
1. To make hostile, unsympathetic, or indifferent; alienate.
2. To remove from an accustomed place or set of associations.
[Middle English estraungen, from Old French estrangier, from Latin extrnere, to treat as a stranger, disown, from extrneus, foreign; see strange.]
es·trangement n.
es·tranger n.
Synonyms: estrange, alienate, disaffect. These verbs refer to disruption of a bond of love, friendship, or loyalty. Estrange and alienate are often used with reference to two persons whose harmonious relationship has been replaced by hostility or indifference: Political disagreements led to quarrels that finally estranged the two friends. His persistent antagonism alienated his wife.Disaffect usually implies discontent, ill will, and disloyalty within the membership of a group.


Unknown said...

You know I have the not so fast but very cheap internets. So I hit the play button, and the screen went black while it started to load. Then it said 9 minutes before it started playing. I was like 9 minutes what is it a freaking GnR video. Damn I am good.

I suggest you crack that whip and tell D to entertain you.

"Dance for me Vette boy, dance!"

I am hopeing that those people grow up sometime soon and realize it is much better to have you in our lives than to not.

Ranting said...

Yessss, I would like to see the Vette Boy dance. Perhaps a rendition from Pulp Fiction or Michael. I am a fan of the Travolta as you know.

I do love my life, but sometimes it is difficult when I realize what I missed out on threw no fault of my own. I have been waiting for these same people to come around to my point a view for 28 years now. Sometimes it is just hard. I am not the most patient person in the world.

Right now, no matter who I know REALly loves me, I still feel alone on my own island, sometimes.